Ability West's mission is to empower people with disabilities to live self-directed lives in an equal and inclusive society. Each person supported and valued within an environment which promotes their overall autonomy, health and wellbeing and enables them to reach their potential.
They provide services to children and adults with intellectual disability whose primary diagnosis is intellectual disability and may also include co-morbidity.
- Affiliate
- Blackrock House, Salthill, Co.Galway
- 091 540900
- enquiries@abilitywest.ie
- http://www.abilitywest.ie
- /AbilityWest
- /abilitywest
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland are the leading provider of community-based rehabilitation services for people living with an acquired brain injury in Ireland.
- Nominating Body
- 64 Mulgrave Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
- 01 2804164
- info@abiireland.ie
- https://www.abiireland.ie/
ACTS aims to provide door to door accessible transport to people with disabilities and people with mobility difficulties across south and west of the city.
- Affiliate
- Unit 1, Ballyogan Business Park, Ballyogan Road, Dublin 18
- 01 292 1573
- 01 292 1574
- info@actsltd.ie
- http://www.actsltd.ie/
ADHD Ireland provides psychoeducational and psychosocial supports to young people and adults with ADHD, while working to raise awareness and acceptance of the condition. ADHD Ireland isa national organisation covering all counties
- Affiliate
- 4-7 North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7 D07 RHA8
- 01 874 8349
- https://www.adhdireland.ie
AHEAD (the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability) is an all-Ireland organisation whose central mission is access to, and full participation of, people with disabilities in higher education in Ireland.
- Affiliate
- East Hall, UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
- 01-7164396
- ahead@ahead.ie
- http://www.ahead.ie/
The AT Network are a user led organisation founded in October 2010 to pilot a system of Direct Payments. Their aim is to pilot this system of Direct Payments to test out the practicalities of all that has been learnt from both Irish and international research. They believe that every Leader in Ireland should have choice in the way that our service is provided so that they can have a service that is as personal to us as possible. The model that they are currently using is one that guarantees maximum accountability and security to funders of their service – a company model.
- Affiliate
- Chase House, City Junction Business Park, Malahide Road, Dublin 17
- 01 525 0707
- info@theatnetwork.com
- http://theatnetwork.com/
Ak Inspired provides a day service for adults who have completed their post primary or secondary school education. The service is focused on the training and empowerment of disabled people to ensure they reach their full potential in all aspects of society.
- Affiliate
- Brandon Court, Basin Rd, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 PDE2
- 066 7117315
- info@inspired.ie
- https://www.inspired.ie
- /InspiredTralee/
- /inspiredtralee?lang=en
The Alcohol Forum is an independent national charity that provides a range of supports and services to individuals, families and communities impacted by alcohol and other drug harm, while also working at the wider levelts to change Ireland's problematic relationship with alcohol.
- Associate Member
- Unit B9, Enterprise Fund Business Centre, Ballyraine, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
- 074 9125596
- info@alcoholforum.org
- https://alcoholforum.org/
The Anne Sullivan Centre is primarily a Residential and Education Centre for low-functioning young adults who are both deaf and blind. The Centre also serves as an information and advisory Centre for professionals, parents and other interest agencies.
- Affiliate
- Brewery Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
- 01 2898339
- annesullivancentre@eircom.net
- http://www.annesullivan.ie/
Arthritis Ireland seeks to ensure that every person living with arthritis in Ireland is supported to live a full and active life, having access to appropriate health services and treatments. They work to ensure an enhanced quality of life for people living with arthritis, minimising the devastating effects that arthritis can have on lives.
- Nominating Body
- 1 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2
- 01 6618188
- info@arthritisireland.ie
- http://www.arthritisireland.ie/
Arts & Disability Ireland (ADI) is the national development and resource organisation for arts and disability.
They promote engagement with the arts at all levels – as professional artists, audience members and arts workers – for people of all ages with disabilities of all kinds.
They work towards arts programmes and arts venues becoming fully accessible experiences for all audiences.
They advocate for inclusive policy and practice which provides real access to all aspects of the arts for people with disabilities, and for everyone.
- Affiliate
- 4th Floor, Sean O’Casey Centre, St. Mary’s Road North, East Wall, Dublin 3
- 01 850 9002
- info@adiarts.ie
- http://adiarts.ie/
- /ArtsAndDisabilityIreland
- /ADIarts
Working to bring about change, inform, and influence policy makers, key decision makers and other relevant stakeholders to autism proof policies, practices, and attitudes that impact on the lives of autistic people and their families.
10 Bayview Drive, Kiliney, Co. Dublin.
- Associate Member
- 087 2717471
- assertireland@gmail.com
AOTI is the professional body for the Occupational Therapy profession in Ireland, serving, promoting and representing Irish occupational therapists. We are the voice for the Occupational Therapy profession. AOTI provides national leadership to its members and works on behalf of its members with the best interest of the profession and service users in mind. AOTI is run mainly by members who volunteer their time and are assisted by 4 part-time staff.
- Associate Member
- Office 201, 18 Herbert Street, Dublin, D02 FK19
- 01 874 8136
- https://www.aoti.ie/
Promoting disability awareness.
- Affiliate
- La Chéile, Grace Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath
- athloneaccessawareness@gmail.com
- /athlone.access.awareness/
Autism Support Louth & Meath is a parent led support group for families of both children and adults affected by Autism. They support group meetings, weekly youth clubs, training courses, provide information and advocacy, lobby locally and nationally on autism and disability issues and provide a network of parents and families who can support and help each other. Autism Support Louth and Meath are also directly linked with ABACAS School, which was founded by the group in 2003.
- Affiliate
- 7 Matson Lodge, Yellowbatter, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 W77K
- 087 2407431
- info@autismsupportlouth.com
- https://www.autismsupportlouth.com/
- /DroghedaABACASSchool/
- /louthautism
Bloomfield Mental Health Services is a charity providing treatment, care, and support to adults with severe and enduring mental health needs, including specialist services for Huntington’s disease.
- Associate Member
- Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, D16 C6T4
- 1890 123 124 (helpline)
- 01 495 0021
- info@bloomfield.ie
- https://www.bloomfield.ie/
- /BloomfieldMHS/
The Foundation is a voluntary, not for profit organisation run predominately by parents of children with special needs and professionals who not only work, but have a personal interest in the field. The Foundation supports a registered family base of 132 families. The aim of the Foundation is to enhance the lives of people with special needs.
- Nominating Body
- Bluestack House, The Glebe, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal
- 074 9740828
- info@bluesstack.com
- http://www.bluestackfoundation.com/
Our mission is to ensure support, awareness and understanding of eating disorders amongst the wider community as well as advocating for the rights and healthcare needs of people affected by eating disorders.
- Affiliate
- PO Box 105, Blackrock, Co Dublin
- 01 283 4963
- info@bodywhys.ie
- https://www.bodywhys.ie
- /bodywhys/
- bodywhys
Care Alliance Ireland is the National Network of Voluntary Organisations supporting Family Carers. Their vision is that the role of Family Carers is fully recognised and valued by society in Ireland.
- They work with organisations to provide better information and supports to Family Carers. They provide them with opportunities to collaborate on initiatives including National Carers Week, a multi-agency and multi-disciplinary Family Carer Research Group, and joint policy submissions.
- They deliver a number of carer specific projects; namely an Online Family Carer Support Project and a Back to paid employment project.
- They commission relevant research that supports focused and quality interventions in the lives of Family Carers.
- Affiliate
- Carmichael Centre, Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7
- 01 8747776
- ndo@carealliance.ie
- http://www.carealliance.ie/
CASA builds friendships and supports between able-bodied people and people with disabilities through various projects and activities including local social events, holiday centres, respite care and Lourdes pilgrimages.
- Nominating Body
- Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 01 8725300
- info@casa.ie
- http://www.casa.ie/
Cavan and Monaghan Parents Committee provides support to people living in the Cavan/Monaghan area who are struggling to gain appropriate supports for their children.
- Associate Member
- Relaghan, Shercock, Co. Cavan
- tbc
- tbc
- cavanmonaghanparentscommittee@gmail.com
The CRC is a non-residential national centre for the care, treatment and development of children and adults with physical and multiple disabilities. Services include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, psychology, nursing, dietetics etc.
- Nominating Body
- Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3
- 01 8542200
- info@crc.ie
- http://www.crc.ie/
The Centre for Independent Living Blanchardstown aims to provide information, advice and support to people with disabilities in the Dublin 15 area. The Centre's objective is to provide a suitable Personal Assistant (PA) Service and to lobby for a change in policy.
- Nominating Body
- 2nd Floor Parkside House, Main Street, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15
- 01 8270609
- admin@bcil.ie
- https://www.bcil.ie/
The Carlow Centre for Independent Living aims to promote the empowerment of people with disabilities by providing practical assistance to enable the person to exercise control over their own lives.
- Affiliate
- Room 8, St Fiacc's Leisure Centre, Graiguecullen, Co. Carlow
- 059 9130014
- 059 9130233
- carlowcilc@eircom.net
Centre for Independent Cork aims to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community and to further their aims and objectives of independent living.
- Affiliate
- 20 Commons Road, Blackpool, Cork
- 021 4391570
- corkcil@eircom.net
- http://www.corkcil.ie/
The main Aims and Objectives of Donegal Centre for Independent Living is to promote empowerment, independence and rights to people with physical and sensory disabilities through the provision of services, such as personal assistant service. DCIL is an organisation controlled by people with disabilities, which meets their objectives towards Independent Living. DCIL consistently aims to promote and encourage the Philosophy of Independent Living in practical terms and so provide an extensive service throughout the county.
- Nominating Body
- Unit 7 Mc Caul House, Pearse Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal
- 074 9128945
- dcil@eircom.net
- http://www.donegalcil.ie/
Galway Centre for Independent Living will provide relevant and meaningful, person-centered services that support the full and equal inclusion of people with disabilities, people with differing abilities, the older persons and all who uses their services in all aspects of society.
- Nominating Body
- Unit 53, Briarhill Business Park, Briarhill, Galway
- 091 773910
- mail@gcil.ie
- http://www.gcil.ie/
CIL Kilkenny aims to empower people with disabilities to live independently in their own house and to participate in community life.
- Affiliate
- 5A Upper New Street Kilkenny
- 056 7723966
- cilkilkenny@eircom.net
Longford Centre for Independent Living aims to empower people with disabilties to live independently in their own house and to partcipate in community life.
- Nominating Body
- C.M.C. House, Ballinalee Road, Longford
- 043 3331702
- longfordcil@yahoo.com
CIL Offaly aims to highlight their continuing quest for a more equal and fairer society, with the same opportunities for all and where the worth of people with disabilities is recognised. CIL Offaly also aims to provide a Personal Assistant Service to people with significant physical and sensory disabilities.
- Affiliate
- Opas Ltd / OFCIL CLonminch Road Tullamore Co Offaly
- 057 93 22832
- ocil@eircom.net
- https://www.offalycil.ie
CIL Sligo aims to promote independent living and to include people with disabilities into daily community life and enable their independence.
- Affiliate
- Unit 4, Business Centre, Market Yard, Sligo
- 071 9141978
- sbsligocil@eircom.net
- http://www.cilsligo.ie/
Tipperary Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) is a Registered Charity and non-profit organisation that operates from offices in Thurles and Clonmel. The company provides a Personal Assistant service for HSE Disability Services to support people with disabilities to live independently. It also provides a transport service.
- Nominating Body
- Unit 2, Thurles Business Centre, Stradavoher, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
- 0504 24236
- 0526128667
- thurles@tippcil.com
Waterford Centre for Independent Living (CIL) is a grassroots organisation whose main aim is to empower and enable people with disabilities to achieve independent living, choice and control over their own lives, and full participation as equal citizens in society.
- Nominating Body
- Ballinvella, Dunmore East, Co. Waterford
- 051 383232
- wcil@eircom.net
- https://www.waterfordcil.com/
CIL West Limerick aims to include people with disabilities into daily community life and enable their independence.
- Affiliate
- Enterprise Centre, Sheehans Road, Newcastle West, Co Limerick
- 069 77320
- info@limerickcil.com
- https://www.limerickcil.com
Westmeath Centre for Independent Living provides independent living supports to enable the full participation and inclusion of disabled people living in the Westmeath area.
- Affiliate
- Main Street, Kinnegad, Co Westmeath, N91 PC96
- 044 9375610
- 0892756069
- mary@westmeathcil.ie
- https://www.westmeathcil.com
- /profile.php?id=100083049294665
CIL Wexford's mission is to provide a quality, client-led personal assistant service that promotes independent living for Persons with Disabilities and their participation in the social and economic life of the community.
- Affiliate
- Westlands Community Centre, St. John's Drive, Wexford
- 053 9142123
- office@wexfordcil.org
Cheshire Ireland provide a vast range of services to people with both physical, sensory and neurological conditions, who often have very complex and high support needs.
To best accommodate their service users as well as their carers, their support services are offered in private homes, residential centres, community clusters and stand-alone respite facilities. With over 250 people across Ireland using their services, Cheshire Ireland is the largest supported accommodation provider in the country.
- Affiliate
- Block 4, Bracken Business Park, Bracken Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18 Y0Y0
- 01 2974100
- https://www.cheshire.ie/
Childvision offer a comprehensive service to Ireland’s young visually impaired population. Services available at Childvision include a primary school, an integrated secondary school, a vocational training unit, a weekly optomology clinic run in conjunction with Temple Street Hospital, a twice monthly low vision clinic, a residential service based in houses in the community, an assessment service, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, orientation and mobility training, self care and technical skills training, the National Braille Production Centre and a family support centre.
- Affiliate
- Grace Park Road,Drumcondra , Dublin 9
- 018373635
- 018368403 (fax)
- info@childvision.ie
- http://www.childvision.ie
Chime's mission is to limit the impact of deafness and hearing loss through promoting accessibility, creating supportive communities, and enabling personal choice and community participation.
- Nominating Body
- 35 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1
- 01 8175700
- info@chime.ie
- http://www.chime.ie/
The Cork Deaf Association is committed to the empowerment of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in Cork city and county through the provision of information, advocacy and support services. We aim to achieve a more inclusive society, where Deaf and Hard of Hearing people enjoy equality of opportunity, independence and full citizenship.
- Affiliate
- Cork Deaf Association, 5 Mac Curtain Street, Cork City, Ireland
- (021) 4505944
- mail@corkdeaf.ie
- http://www.corkdeaf.ie/
Working to meet the information, support and advocacy needs of stroke survivors in the greater Cork area, including through their dedicated Stroke Support Centre.
3B Oak House, Riverview Business Park, Bessboro Road, Blackrock, Cork, T12 AKA4.
County Roscommon Disability Support Group CLG is committed to improving the quality of life and the standards of services to all people with disabilities, older people and children. Support is also available for families and carers.
- Nominating Body
- Resource Centre, Derrane, Co. Roscommon
- 090 662 5852
- info@rsg.ie
- https://rsg.ie
The Crann Centre CLG provide holistic and comprehensive wraparound programmes to adults and children living with congenital, progressive or acquired neuro-physical disabilities and their partners, parents and siblings.
- Affiliate
- The Crann Centre, Classis, Co. Cork, P31 TX39
- 021 428 9267
- info@cranncentre.ie
- https://cranncentre.ie/
- /cranncentre.IRL/
- CrannCentre
The aim of the Association is to assist the development of the means to cure and control Cystic Fibrosis (CF), to promote the interests and welfare of persons with Cystic Fibrosis in Ireland and to assume advocacy for them and their needs resultant from their having Cystic Fibrosis (CF).
- Nominating Body
- 24, Lower Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
- 01 4962433
- cfhouse@cfireland.ie
- http://www.cfireland.ie/
Dara Community Living provide residential, respite and individual designed services, supporting disabled adults to live the life of their choice in their community. They do this by working with the individual, their family, Dara support staff, and other community members.
Dara Community Living Mission Statement
Dara Community Living supports each person to live the life of their choice.
Vision of Dara Community Living:
To support people in partnership with their family and community to live ordinary lives, in ordinary places, doing ordinary things.
- Affiliate
- The Hub, Main Street, Cellbridge, Co. Kildare, W23 EK68
- 01 627 14 84
- info@daracommunityliving.ie
- http://www.daracommunityliving.ie/about-us/
- /daracommunityliving/
- /living_dara
DEBRA Ireland is a national Irish charity, established to provide support services to patients and families living with the debilitating skin condition epidermolysis bullosa (EB)
- Nominating Body
- La Touche House,1 Grove Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6
- 01 4126924
- info@debraireland.org
- http://www.debraireland.org/
DDAI promotes independence and equal opportunity through mobility for people with physical disabilities. They operate a National Driving Assessment Centre and Driving School, issue the EU Parking Card to qualifying persons, provide information, advice and support to its members and information to the general public.
- Nominating Body
- Ballindine, Co. Mayo
- 094 9364054
- 094 9364266
- info@ddai.ie
- http://www.ddai.ie/
Parents of children with disabilities based in Donegal, who have united together to effectively advocate for their children and their needs as a unified voice.
Address: Breem, Drumkeen, Donegal
- Phone: 086 0812072
- Email: snpndonegal@gmail.com
- Website: www.snpndonegal.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/689752236342073 (closed group)
Down Syndrome Ireland provide support and services to people with Down syndrome and their families though a national office and 25 branches nationwide. They provide an ‘all-through-life’ support to people with Down syndrome and their families across Ireland with specialists in the areas of health, speech and language, early development, education and adult education and independence that enhance the lives of thousands of children and adults with Down syndrome across the country.
- Nominating Body
- Unit 3, Parkway House, Western Parkway Business Park, Ballymount Drive, Ballymount Industrial Estate, Dublin 12, D12 HP70
- 01 4266500
- info@downsyndrome.ie
- http://www.downsyndrome.ie/
The Dyslexia Ireland's vision is a dyslexia friendly society. Where everyone with dyslexia is enabled to fulfil their potential. Every child and adult has access to appropriate identification and support to achieve their full potential in education, training, employment and all aspects of life.
DAI works with and for people affected by dyslexia. They provide information, support services, engage in advocacy and raise awareness of dyslexia.
- Nominating Body
- 107-110 The Windmill, Windmill Lane, Dublin, D02 E170
- 01 877 6001
- info@dyslexia.ie
- http://www.dyslexia.ie/
Dyspraxia DCD Ireland was formed in 1995 with the aim of raising awareness of dyspraxia in Ireland and to create a better understanding of the difficulties children and parents face. The organisation works to ensure adequate resources are available to support the needs of children with dyspraxia. This includes occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy and education. Information sharing and a support network for parents are also provided.
- Affiliate
- Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 01 874 7085
- info@dyspraxia.ie
- http://www.dyspraxia.ie/
EOPD is a support group and online community offering support and information to people diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s Disease in Ireland. EOPD is a national organisation covering all counties.
- Affiliate
- 77 Lower Camden Street, Dublin DO2 XE80
- 086 103 0266
- info@eopd.ie
- https://www.eopd.ie
Employability West Cork provides support to people who are out of work due to a long-term medical condition, illness, injury, or any other type of disability. They provide an employment service by matching businesses seeking staff with people looking to enter/re-enter the workforce. They do so by also providing a supported employment service to their clients who range from entry level right through to senior management workers.
- Affiliate
- 8 Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry, Co. Cork, P75 P449
- 086 8546559
- coordinator@empwc.org
- https://www.empservice.org/
- /EmployabilityWestCork/
Enable Ireland is a leading national provider of services for people with disabilities and their families. They provide services for children with disabilities and / or developmental delay who require a team-based approach, and young adults with disabilities requiring training, employment, personal assistance and advocacy. Services include a range of educational, therapeutic, training, employment and family support services.
- Nominating Body
- Unit 32F Rosemount Park Drive, Rosemount Business Park, Ballycoolin Road, Dublin 11
- 01 8727155
- info@enableireland.ie
- http://www.enableireland.ie/
Epilepsy Ireland aims to improve the quality of life for people with epilepsy, their families and carers through the provision of information, advice and counselling.
- Nominating Body
- 249 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
- 01 4557500
- info@epilepsy.ie
- http://www.epilepsy.ie/
Family Carers Ireland is the national charity supporting the 500,000+ family carers across the country who care for loved ones such as children or adults with physical or intellectual disabilities, frail older people, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental ill-health or addiction.
- Affiliate
- Market Square, Tullamore, Co. Offaly
- 1800240724 (helpline)
- 057 9322920
- info@familycarers.ie
- http://www.familycarers.ie/
- /groups/FamilyCarerOnlineSupportGroupIreland
- /CarersIreland
FASD Ireland was established in September 2021 as a not-for-profit social enterprise, to be the 'go to' hub for everyone living with FASD, including families, carers, educators, healthcare workers and the wider community across Ireland.
We will work tirelessly to challenge and lobby Government to legislate and implement practical strategies that will reduce and prevent FASD in Ireland. FASD is Ireland's most preventable neuro-developmental disability.
FASD Ireland is committed to raising awareness of FASD across the country, to break down barriers and be a catalyst for everyone with FASD to be able to live the life they strive for. This will be achieved by delivering education across Ireland about the risks of exposing a foetus to alcohol, and working with a variety of stakeholders to distribute effective public health campaigns to every part of society..
FASD Ireland will be a loud voice and persistent advocate for people living with FASD.
We want to "Get Ireland talking about FASD" and we will work with all stakeholders to ensure
that FASD is considered and respected in every walk of life.
- Associate Member
- First Floor, 51 O'Connell Street, Ennis, County Clare, V95 YY19
- +353 (0)65 670 3096
- https://www.fasdireland.ie
Fighting Blindness is an Irish patient-led charity funding and enabling world-leading research into treatments and cures for blindness. It provides a professional counselling service to support people and families affected by sight loss. Through education and advocacy, Fighting Blindness works to empower the 246,000 adults and children in Ireland living with severe vision impairment and blindness.
- Nominating Body
- 3rd Floor, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2
- 01 6789004
- info@fightingblindness.ie
- http://www.fightingblindness.ie/
Fionnathan's mission statement: "Fionnathan exists to have fun and change the world, to trouble your understanding of ability, to reveal superstars in our midst, and to prove that, in fact, we are the people we've been waiting for."
- Associate Member
- 5 School Lane, Mountshannon, Co. Clare
- 087 3259372
- fionnathan.productions@gmail.com
- https://www.fionnathan.com/
Galway Autism Partnership (GAP) is a community based charity that supports individuals and families living with autism in Galway city and county. The GAP mission is to improve quality of life experience for individuals and families living with autism by providing and facilitating quality peer support, information, social activities, training and education. GAP is overseen by a voluntary Board of Trustees and the majority of activities are made possible through the assistance of volunteers.
- Affiliate
- 36 Laurel Park, Newcastle, Galway City, Co. Galway
- 091 588 899
- coordinator@galwayautismpartnership.com
- https://www.galwayautismpartnership.com/
- /galwayautismpartnership
- /Galwayautismpar
Galway Rural Development works with individuals, community groups and agencies to improve the quality of life for people living in the Galway area.
- Associate Member
- Mellows Campus, Athenry, Co. Galway, H65 KR02
- 091 844335
- grd@grd.ie
- /galwayruraldev
- https://www.twitter.com/galwayruraldev
HAIL provides Social housing for people with a range of housing needs including people with mental health problems and disabilities in greater Dublin and surrounding counties.
- Nominating Body
- Shamrock Chambers, 59 / 61 Dame Street, Dublin 2
- 01 6718444
- info@hail.ie
- http://www.hail.ie/
Headway provides training and support services, promotes awareness and understanding, advocacy and lobbying for individuals with an acquired brain injury, their families and carers.
- Nominating Body
- Blackhall Green, Off Blackhall Place, Dublin 7
- 01 6040800
- info@headwayireland.ie
- http://www.headwayireland.ie/
Heart Children Ireland aims to support families of children with a congenital heart disorder. To raise awareness of congenital heart disorder in the general public and to endeavour to get the best treatment and facilities for children with congenital heart disorder.
- Affiliate
- Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 1850 217017
- heartchildren@eircom.net
- http://www.heartchildren.ie/
If you are living with Huntington’s disease, at risk, or caring for a loved one who is living with the disease the Huntington's Disease Association of Ireland is here to help. They can support you to access the health and social services you need, provide information to you and your health professionals, and champion your rights. They will also work with others to improve services and supports for people living with Huntington's disease and their families.
- Nominating Body
- Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 1800 393939 (helpline)
- 01 8721303
- 01 8729931 (fax)
- hdai@indigo.ie
- http://www.huntingtons.ie/
Inishowen Children’s Autism Related Education (i.C.A.R.E) aims to provide a framework within which families, carers , professionals and tutors have access to training, support and any other help or service necessary in order to help children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders realise their full potential. i.C.A.R.E. provides day respite for children and young people with autism at their Day respite and Activity Centre while also providing a programme of activities and days out during school holiday periods for those with ASD and their siblings.
- Affiliate
- Looking Glass Brae, Ballymacarry, Buncrana, County Donegal
- 074-9362226
- 086 1081200
- centremanager@icare.ie
- http://www.icare.ie/
Inspire Wellbeing are an all-island charity and social enterprise and their aim is wellbeing for all. They work together with people living with mental ill health, intellectual disability, autism and addictions to ensure they live with dignity and realise their full potential. They campaign to create a society free from stigma and discrimination, creating a culture of compassion that focuses on people and their abilities.
- Affiliate
- Creative Spark, Clontygora Drive, Muirhevnamor, Dundalk, Co. Louth
- 042 938 5721
- c.coyle@inspirewellbeing.ie
- http://www.inspirewellbeing.org
The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind provides independent mobility to blind and visually impaired people through guide dogs, long cane training and independent living skills training. They also provide Assistance Dogs for familiies of children with autism.
- Nominating Body
- Mobility Training Centre, Model Farm Road, Co. Cork
- 021 4878200
- 01 797810
- info@guidedogs.ie
- http://www.guidedogs.ie/
The Irish Haemophilia Society provides support and advice for members and aims to improve the quality of life for people with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders. It carries out its work through education, publications, advocacy, lobbying, counselling, critical illness service & financial assistance.
- Nominating Body
- Cumann Haemifile Na hEireann, First Floor, Cathedral Court, New Street, Dublin 8
- 185 87 28 72 (helpline)
- 01 6579900
- info@haemophilia.ie
- https://haemophilia.ie/
Our mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.
- Affiliate
- 17-19 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin, D06 C780
- 01 668 5001
- info@irishheart.ie
- https://www.irishheart.ie
- /IrishHeartFoundation
- irishheart_ie
The prime role of the Irish Kidney Association is to support patients and their families effected by end stage kidney disease and are either being treated by dialysis or have a working kidney transplant.
By providing information on kidney diseases, associated medical scenarios and social benefits and entitlements, the IKA helps patients and families live as normal a life as possible, given the presence of the kidney related illness.
- Nominating Body
- Donor House, Block 43A, Park West, Dublin 12
- 01 6689788
- info@ika.ie
- http://www.ika.ie/
- /IrishKidneyAssociation/
- /irishkidneyas
ILFA supports patients and the wider lung fibrosis community through the provision of education, advocacy, research, and direct services. ILFA is a national organisation covering all counties.
- Affiliate
- PO Box 10456, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
- 086 871 5264
- info@ilfa.ie
- https://www.ilfa.ie
The IMNDA provides specialised equipment on loan for people who have MND, co-ordination of home care services and facilities, visiting, counselling and information services. The Association also provides some financial assistance for home nursing.
- Nominating Body
- Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7
- 1800 403403 (helpline)
- 01 8730422
- info@imnda.ie
- http://www.imnda.ie/
A voluntary organisation of parents, professionals and friends working to promote the welfare of children and adults with Autism. The Society provides an information service and offers support and guidance to people with Autism and their families. The Society also provides residential and vocational services for people with Autism.
- Nominating Body
- Unity Building, 16 / 17 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin 1
- 01 8744684
- admin@autism.ie
- http://www.autism.ie/
IWA is the national organisation of people with limited mobility with over 20,000 members and service users. The role of the IWA is:
- to advocate for change, locally and nationally, by representing the issues and concerns of adults and children with limited mobility;
- to research, develop and pilot new concepts of service delivery and to deliver services in partnership with state agencies.
IWA has a broad range of services for people with physical disabilities, which include:
- Advocacy
- Assisted Living Services
- Resource and Outreach Centres
- Independent Living Apartments
- InterAction - a Community Development Project
- Motoring Advice, Assessment and Tuition
- Transport
- Employment, Training and Education
- Sport
- Respite Holidays
- Peer Counselling
- Information and Publications
- Youth Services
- Nominating Body
- Aras Chuchulain, Blackheath Drive, Clontarf, Dublin 3
- 01 8186400
- info@iwa.ie
- http://www.iwa.ie/
- /irishwheelchairassociation/
- /IrishWheelchair
KARE provides a comprehensive range of quality services to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families in County Kildare, East Offaly and West Wicklow.
- Nominating Body
- Industrial Estate, Newbridge Co Kildare
- 045 431544
- kare@kareld.com
- http://www.kare.ie/
Lakers Social & Recreational Club is a community-based sports, social and recreation club for children and adults with an intellectual disability. The club provides a wide range of sporting and educational services to members across Leinster from its centre in Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Lakers passionately believe that each member is unique, has their own abilities and is entitled to the opportunity for a better future. Their members develop their skills and abilities through a range of activities such as sport, drama, arts & crafts, cookery and much more. The teamwork and inter-action with other people in these activities promotes the development of social skills, growth in self-confidence and self-esteem.
- Affiliate
- Brady Centre, Seapoint Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow Ireland
- +353 (0)1 2022694
- info@lakers.ie
- https://lakers.ie/
- /LakersMeetingSpecialNeeds/
- /LakersMSNeeds
The Association aims to empower and enable people with disabilities to take control of their own lives by providing training, a personal assistant service and creating awareness of needs in the public arena.
- Nominating Body
- Station Rd, Mohill, Co. Leitrim
- 071 9651000
- info@lapwd.com
- http://www.lapwd.com/
The Lucan Disability Action Group was formed to promote and develop the concept of independent living for persons with physical and sensory disabilities and in particular to engage in action research programmes aimed at developing services that achieve inclusion in society.
- Affiliate
- Unit 24, Hills Industrial Estate, Lucan, Co. Dublin
- 01 6100475
- info@ldag.ie
- http://www.ldag.ie/
Mayo Autism Camp provides socially inclusive activities for children with autism and their families, through meaningful play and peer interactions.
They provide services such as camps, training, workshops, support and advocacy for children with autism and their families.
- Associate Member
- Clogherbeg, Claremorris, Co. Mayo
- 087 788 1864
- mayoautismcamp@gmail.com
- /mayoautismcamp/?ref=page_internal
Initially named The Irish Mental Health Coalition, Mental Health Reform was founded in 2006. It began with five organisations; Shine, Bodywhys, Grow Mental Health, Irish Advocacy Network and Amnesty International. The coalition had three service providers, an advocacy organisation and a human rights organisation. Those pillars (service providers, advocacy and human rights) were present from the very beginning, and they were what was needed to move the coalition forward.
Their mission is to be the unifying voice that drives progressive reform of mental health services and supports in Ireland.
- Affiliate
- Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7
- 01 8749468
- info@mentalhealthreform.ie
- https://www.mentalhealthreform.ie/
- /mentalhealthreform/
- /MHReform/
The Migraine Association provides information, support and reassurance to people suffering from migraine in Ireland. It also aims to raise awareness of migraine both among the general public and among health professionals. The organisation also works to seek better support services for people with migraine and supports research into the condition.
- Affiliate
- Unit 14, Block 5 Port Tunnel Business Park Clonshaugh Dublin 17
- 01 8941280
- 01 8941281
- info@migraine.ie
- http://www.migraine.ie/
Move4Parkinson’s is a non profit organisation run by People with Parkinson’s for People with Parkinson’s (PWP’s). They are passionate about helping PWP’s achieve a better quality of life through education and empowerment. Their mission is:
“To draw on the experience and expertise of People with Parkinson’s (PWP’s) to educate, empower and inspire other PWP’s to fulfil their potential and improve their quality of life”
- Affiliate
- Lioscarran House, 32 Dale Road, Kilmacud, Co. Dublin
- 01 - 2884939
- 01 - 5242781
- info@move4parkinsons.com
The MS Society provides professional services to people with multiple sclerosis, their families, friends and carers.
- Nominating Body
- MS Resource Centre, 80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4
- 1850 233 233 (helpline)
- 01 6781600
- info@ms-society.ie
- http://www.ms-society.ie/
MDI provides support to persons affected by muscular dystrophy and their families through the provision of a range of services e.g. family support service, counselling, freephone, respite care, youth activities, holidays, independent living and training opportunities. It also funds medical research.
- Nominating Body
- 75 Lucan Road, Chapelizod, Dublin 20
- 01 6236414
- 01 6236415
- info@mdi.ie
- http://www.mdi.ie/
- /mdiireland/
- /mdi_ireland
An Arch Club is a social club for people of all ages with an intellectual disability. It is a safe space for them to develop their social and interpersonal skills, learn real world skills, make friends and just have fun!
The Arch club was founded in 1976 by a small group of parents in Dublin, looking for a social outlet for their children. Since then they have grown to a number of clubs throughout Ireland!
- Nominating Body
- 74 Meadow Grove, Dublin 16
- 01 2951081
- archclubs.admin@gmail.com
At NF Ireland, they aim to be a voice for NF patients and their families. During their work we they continually inspired by those around them who fight Neurofibromatosis on a daily basis. Their primary aim is to inform sufferers and their families of the disorder, supporting them and letting them know they are not alone with the condition.
- Nominating Body
- Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 085 702 0024
- info@nfaireland.ie
- http://www.nfaireland.ie/
The Neurological Alliance of Ireland aims to promote the development of services for people with neurological conditions, their families and carers. To raise awareness of the needs of people with neurological conditions.
- Affiliate
- Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7
- 01 8724121
- mrogers@nai.ie
- https://www.nai.ie/
NTDSS engages in the empowerment of persons with physical and sensory disabilities through promoting the development of an appropriate range of personal assistance services aimed at removing attitudinal and material restrictions that unnecessarily limit the lives of such persons.
- Affiliate
- 2 Cudville, Ashe Road, Nenagh, Co Tipperary
- 067 34202
- ntdssdenise@gmail.com
- https://www.ntdss.ie/
The MS North West Therapy Centre exists to enrich the lives of people with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological conditions by providing essential services and support to clients and their families.
- Nominating Body
- Ballytivnan, Co. Sligo
- 071 9144748
- info@mstherapycentre.ie
- http://www.mstherapycentre.ie/
The North West Parents and Friends Association are a voluntary locally based community association, which is dedicated to the support of facilities and communities, working towards the fulfilment, needs and rights of people with intellectual disabilities and special needs, to achieve for each individual the greatest possible level of health and social gain, bearing in mind at all times, the personal dignity of each individual.
- Affiliate
- c/o RSW, Cleveragh Industrial Estate, Sligo
- 071 9143358
- info@nwpf.ie
- http://www.nwpf.ie/
PALS is a 100% voluntary autism support group based in the Loughrea-area of Co Galway. PALS strive to create greater awareness and visibility along with better outcomes and more inclusive environments.
PALS is about building, facilitating, and nurturing the autistic community.
Building... on what currently exists
Facilitating... people who can with people who need
Nurturing... every year growing on what has been done the previous years
Providing opportunities... Advocating for change...
Empowering families and individuals to achieve their potential.
Forging collaborative relationships among all communities, including business and charity.
PALS' values are at the heart of everything the group offers to autistic individuals and their families.
Instagram: @palsloughrea
Facebook: PALS Autism Support Group
Email: palsgroup20@gmail.com
WhatsApp: Email subject line WhatsApp with your number to be added to private group
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/pals-autism-support-group-61185510323
- Associate Member
- Ballyeighter House, Aille Cross, Loughrea, Co. Galway
- palsgroup20@gmail.com
Parkinson's Ireland assists patients, their carers and families, providing advice and information. The Organisation also fund and assist research into the effects, causes and possible cure of Parkinson's disease.
- Nominating Body
- Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 1800 359359 (helpline)
- 01 8722234
- info@parkinsons.ie
- http://www.parkinsons.ie
Polio Survivors Ireland's mission is to create awareness and provide information regarding the late effects of polio among polio survivors, statutory agencies and the wider medical profession, and to ensure that the needs of polio survivors relating to their condition are met to enable them to live with dignity.
- Nominating Body
- Unit 319, Capel Building, St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin 7
- 01 8898920
- info@polio.ie
- https://polio.ie/
Positive Futures' aim is to transform the lives of people with an intellectual disability, acquired brain injury or autistic spectrum conditon. They do this by enabling people to realise their hopes, dreams and ambitions. They change attitudes by proving that a person doesn't have to be defined by their disability and can play a valuable role in the community.
- Associate Member
- Nesta Business Centre, Office 301, 4-5 Burton Hall Park, Burton Hall Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D19 A094
- 01 8537315
- info@positive-futures.net
- http://positive-futures.ie/
- /positivefuturesIE
- /pftweetsie/
PWSAI's mission is to raise awareness and understanding of Prader Willi Syndrome and to improve the choice and quality of care, education and support for people with PWS and their families and carers.
- Affiliate
- Carmichael Centre, Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7
- 087 2522832
- info@pwsai.ie
- https://pwsai.ie/
- /PraderWilliSyndrome/
Reach Deaf Services Mission is to be a leading organisation, combining their experience, skills and expertise, in the provision of quality services through ISL to enable their service users in the Deaf Community to reach their full potential.
- Affiliate
- Deaf Village Ireland, Ratoath Road, Cabra, Dublin 7
- 01 8300522
- info@reachdeafservices.ie
- https://reachdeafservices.ie/
The Rehab Group is an independent, not for profit, non governmental organisation, operating across national boundaries, which is dedicated to promoting social integration, economic independence and equal opportunities especially for people with disabilities.
- Nominating Body
- Roslyn Park, Beach Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
- 01 20572000
- info@rehab.ie
- http://www.rehab.ie/
Respond is Ireland’s leading housing association. We seek to create a positive future for people by alleviating poverty and creating vibrant, socially integrated communities. We do this by providing access to education, childcare, community development programmes, housing and other supports.
Respond was established in 1982 and has built more than 5,500 homes nationwide. Respond has provided homes for traditional families, lone-parent families, older persons, the homeless and people with disabilities.
- Associate Member
- High Park, Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
- 051 840200
- info@respond.ie
- http://www.respond.ie/
- /RespondHousing
Founded in 1996 by their voluntary Board of Management, RHS Home Care is a not for profit co- operative society with charitable status. Their Co-op is unique in Ireland and the first social care co-operative of its kind in Europe back then. They have service arrangements with the HSE for Disability Services and Older Person services. They provide PA services also on behalf of many organisations who provide community services, e.g. Social support and interaction, support with housekeeping, night time support, respite care service and much more.
Their aim is to bring professional home care & PA services to those who need assistance to remain living in their own communities across Ireland. These services are delivered on a not for profit basis by their highly skilled healthcare staff, under the management of their Area Supervisors, Care Manager, General Manager and board of directors.
- Affiliate
- RHS Home Care, Primary Care Centre, Golf Links Road, Roscommon, F42 HY97
- 09066 25988
- care@rhshomecare.ie
- https://rhshomecare.ie/
See My Skills is a social enterprise dedicated to fostering workplace inclusivity, tackling high unemployment rates among people with disabilities. Through partnerships across sectors, they offer two key programs: the Accelerator Schools Programme for secondary students, providing essential skills and industry exposure, and the Empowered Programme, offering personalised support for adults to find meaningful employment opportunities.
They invite you to join them in creating a world where diversity is celebrated and everyone has equal opportunities to thrive.
- Associate Member
- Bandon Rd Roundabout, Bishopstown, Cork, T12 Y9NH
- 021 462 4040
- info@seemyskills.org
- https://seemyskills.org/
- /seemyskills1
- /seemyskills23
Special Olympics Ireland are a sports organisation for people with an intellectual disability from the age of 4 years old with no upper age limit. Currently almost 8,000 athletes from across the island of Ireland participate in 15 different sports through Special Olympics.
- Nominating Body
- National Sports Campus, Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
- 01 8823972
- info@specialolympics.ie
- http://www.specialolympics.ie/
Our mission is to encourage and support an enhanced quality of life for members, parents, families and carers, striving for a brighter future. The biggest strength of the association continues to be its members and volunteers.
- Nominating Body
- National Resource Office, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
- 01 4572329
- info@sbhi.ie
- http://www.sbhi.ie/
Spinal Injuries Ireland's mission is to engage with people with a spinal cord injury, along with their family members. Together, we address barriers to full participation in society and empower our service users to work towards achieving personal, social and vocational goals.
- Nominating Body
- National Rehabilitation Hospital, Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
- 01 6532180
- info@spinalinjuries.ie
- https://spinalinjuries.ie/
St Catherine’s Association in Newcastle, Greystones has served the people of Co. Wicklow for more than 50 years . Hundreds of families have benefited from the dedication and professionalism of the staff in caring for and educating children with special needs from all over the county.
- Nominating Body
- Management Office, St. Catherine's, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow
- 01 2819485
- 01 2873895 (24 hrs)
- info@stcatherines.ie
St. Gabriel’s provides services to children with disabilities and their families through two Children’s Disability Network Teams (Treehouse and South City), Hydrotherapy, Orthotics and a purpose-built state of the art Children’s Respite House in Mungret.
Both hydrotherapy and orthotics are community based services available to the public. They are essential services that support people’s health and well-being and have a positive impact on people’s overall quality of life.
A newly developed regional children’s respite service providing overnight and short-term respite breaks for children with physical disabilities and complex medical needs was recently opened in a specially designed purpose built 6-bedroom facility at Mungret.
St. Gabriel’s Special School is situated on the Dooradoyle campus and provides education for children age 4-18 years.
- Nominating Body
- Crabtree House, Springfield Drive, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick
- 061 302733
- info@stgabriels.ie
- https://stgabriels.ie/
Established in 1964 by the community, St. Hilda’s Services is a voluntary organisation that provides a comprehensive quality service to people with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. St. Hilda’s Services is committed to providing a service that puts the choices of the people they work with first, with all staff working in partnership with families and people they work with to promote everything that they do.
- Affiliate
- Grace Park Road, Athlone Co. Westmeath
- 090 6475825
- info@sthildas.ie
- http://www.sthildas.ie/
Vantastic CLG is more than a transportation service provider. We are a catalyst for inclusivity in society. Our Vantastic Minibus Service and Zingly brand of Wheelchair Accessible Rental Cars are not just vehicles, they are symbols of our commitment to breaking down mobility barriers. They are our way of promoting independence, equal access and convenience for all.
Vantastic Company Limited By Guarantee, Digital Office Centre Swords, Balheary Road, Swords, Co. Dublin. K67 E5A0
Vantastic: 1800 – 242703
Zingly: (01) 9602220
- Nominating Body
- Unit 2A, Howth Junction Business Park, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5
- 01- 8392449
- info@vantastic.ie
- http://www.vantastic.ie/
Vision Ireland seeks to optimise the intellectual, social and economic independence of visually impaired people and to minimise the effects of visual impairment. Services include mobility and daily living skills training, peer counselling and family therapy, advice, information and support from a nationwide network of community resource workers, centre based rehabilitation, low vision clinic, talking book and Braille libraries, bi-monthly magazine, information and equipment resource centre, teaching aids, employment support service and technology assessment and support unit.
Note: Vision Ireland is the new name for National Council for the Blind.
- Nominating Body
- 45 Whitworth Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
- 01 8307033
- info@ncbi.ie
- http://www.vi.ie
WALK are leaders in a movement for change, empowering people with disabilities to live self-determined lives in an equal and inclusive society.
At WALK they believe that people with disabilities have the right to live as contributing members in the everyday life of their community. Their role is to support the development and maintenance of relationships which lead to the attainment and sustainability of socially valuable roles and natural support networks.
- Nominating Body
- 1 Long Mile Road, Dublin 12
- 01 4650388
- info@walk.ie
- http://www.walk.ie/
Western Care is a voluntary organisation made up of parents, family members, staff, supporters and volunteers. The association exists to serve people with a learning disability and their families in Mayo.
- Nominating Body
- Pool Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo
- 094 9025133
- info@westerncare.com
- https://westerncare.com/
Mission: Changing the lives of children, young people and families in need of support by providing community-based, strengths-focused, inclusive, flexible services empowering them to achieve their own goals.
- Associate Member
- Lower Ground Floor, Park House, 191 - 193a, North Circular Road, Dublin 7, D07 EWV4
- 01 868 9180
- info@yapireland.ie
- https://www.yapireland.ie
- /youthadvocateprogrammes/
- @YAPIreland