Practical Self Advocacy Course 8 weeks

29 September 2017, 10:25am - 10:25am

Community Participation Network Logo Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board Logo

To express your interest and register for a place on the course contact Sabrina Commins on 087 930 3468 /

All GRETB courses are free to the unemployed or to those who wish to upskill.

CPN are delighted to be working now with the Galway Roscommon Education Training Board (GRETB) to roll out the innovative approach of co-facilitation within the community structure of the local GRETB for the Galway and Roscommon region.

What is Co-Facilitation?

Through the past number of years, CPN West has identified and coordinated the delivery of training within the CPN areas of CPN Galway and CPN Mayo. Based on CPN West member and course participant feedback, it was recognised:

  • People valued peer learning, and training by peers, in the area of advocacy, empowerment and disability awareness.
  • Training of this nature should be based in the community. What a wonderful idea, to have training for people with disabilities based in their community, available to everyone!
  • CPN Members have a lot to offer in terms of ongoing advice and support. Through training, people are linked in directly to the valuable resources of ETBs, local development companies, family resource centers etc, which can offer continued support beyond the duration of one course.

To respond to this, CPN Galway have worked with GRETB this year to deliver:

  • GRETB delivered a Facilitation Skills Training Course. Open to the public, this gave previous CPN training course participants a chance to develop their own capacity to be facilitators and support to their peers.
  • DFI delivered Disability Awareness training to GRETB tutors.

As a result of this shared initiative, the Practical Self Advocacy Course will now be delivered in the venue of GRETB this September co facilitated for the first time by  local GRETB tutor Safia Waller, together with a previous course participant, facilitator Fiona Casey. 

Click here for full course information in PDF version or Click here to the Microsoft Word format / contact Sabrina Commins on 087 930 3468 / to book your place today.

Galway and Roscommon ETB Banner Logos



GRETB Training Centre, Mervue Business Park, Monivea Rd, Mervue, Galway.

Location Map